Tutors have the option to fully/partially refund a freelancing or tutoring session within 3 days from the time it was completed. In order to issue a refund within the allowed timeframe, please head navigate to the Tutor Dashboard/Job History and from there, find a list of your past tutoring or freelancing sessions. Once you select the session that is to be refunded you can open the refund form by clicking on the red refund button, as shown below.
Refunding a live session.
Upon clicking on the refund button the refund form will appear below,
If you choose to do a full refund, the reviews and rates from both the mentor/freelancer and the student/client will be removed from the job.
In case the 3-day timeframe has already passed, tutors can request to void one of their past sessions (this usually happens when a tutor is not happy about a review/rate he has received in the past). Please keep in mind that upon approval of this request, the session cost that was previously paid to the tutor will be forfeited but will not be paid to the student either. Instead, it will be donated to non-profit school(s) of Tutor DB's choice. Furthermore, Tutor DB matches all such donations.